Michael Oberg - Freiberuflicher EDV-Berater und Software-Entwickler
Frame Version


For installation of Webmailer's SquirrelMail see the sections squirrelmail-1.4.1 and avelsieve in the script COMPILE-MYLINUX.

By compiling one of the two files, german.default_pref or us.default_pref, will be installed as squirrelmail/data/default_pref. This file determines among other things the names of the before-installed Mail files - "Gelöschte Dateien" in German, "Trash" in English etc..

The configuration file squirrelmail/config/config.php will be completely overwritten as well at the installation as by the Setup-Skripte.

Avelsieve makes the administration possible of server-lateral filters for email, inclusive of automatic answers. The authentification method used for Sieve is changed by the Patch avelsieve.patch, so that it totally matches with the methods of myLinux server (pam_ldap, this needs plain language passwords however transferred in a SSL coded connection).